Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Guilty Food Pleasures

No matter how "foodie" I become, there will always be some guilty pleasures I secretly indulge in from time to time.  One can only eat organic and local for so long before they eventually crave chemical additives and foods tinted with colors seldom found in nature. Here are mine...

Boston Market mashed potatoes and cornbread- I forego any form of animal protein for these two side dish gems.  I'm not sure they even have Boston Market on the west coast.  It's probably a good thing for the sake of my waistline.  I'm sure the potatoes have more butter in them then Paula Dean's butter cake with buttercream frosting (terrifyingly enough, it is a real recipe of hers).

Australian licorice- Not to be confused with American licorice, Australian licorice is usually softer, thicker, and shorter than your average Twizzler. It comes in flavors like green apple, strawberry, and mango. The exotic flavors and packaging (not to mention- price tag) lead you to believe it's gourmet. Trust me, this shit is nothing but corn syrup and Red 40.  Why anything that doesn't taste like actual disgusting black licorice is called licorice to begin with is beyond me. But I'll continue to quietly purchase those puppies at Hudson News while on layovers for the rest of my life.

Cheeze-Itz- Tell me you can eat just one.

Chipotle- I'm not even ashamed about Chipotle. I'd rather eat at Chipotle than my favorite little hole-in-the-wall taco shack run by illegal immigrants (that's how you know it's good). Chipotle is delicious and I crave it nearly every day of my life. Lucky for my blood pressure, my boyfriend refuses to eat there so the only time I can indulge in one of Chipotle's sodium bomb burritos is when I visit my parents (my family is equally fond of Chipotle's deliciousness).

Red Baron frozen cheese pizza- This frozen pizza saved me from numerous hangovers in college. Everyone knows steamed veggies do nothing to save you from a night of bar hopping. It's probably all that saturated fat and bleached flour in Red Baron's products that did the trick.  I'm no frozen pizza aficionado, but for the sake of argument all those other pizzas in the freezer section suck compared to Red Baron. It's best eaten on the verge of being burnt, sitting in front of  re-runs of Keeping Up With the Kardashians with your girlfriends while contemplating what has become of your life.

What are your guilty food pleasures?
Time for my kale smoothie...